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  • Leibold, M. A., & Chase, J. M. 2017. Introduction. Capítulo 1 de: Metacommunity Ecology. Princeton University Press.

Para discussão

  • Warren, P.H. 1996. The effects of between-habitat dispersal rate on protist communities and metacommunities in microcosms at two spatial scales. Oecologia 105: 132–140.
  • Venail, P.A. et al. 2008. Diversity and productivity peak at intermediate dispersal rate in evolving metacommunities. Nature 452: 210–215.

Material suplementar

  • Leibold, M.A. et al. 2004. The metacommunity concept: a framework for multi-scale community ecology. Ecology Letters 7: 601–613.
  • Leibold, M.A. 2011. The metacommunity concept and its theoretical underpinnings. In: Scheiner & Willig (Eds) Theory in Ecology.
  • Holyoak, M., Leibold, M. A. & Holt, R. D. 2005. Metacommunities: spatial dynamics and ecological communities. University of Chicago Press. Google books. Disponível na biblioteca do IB-USP
  • Logue, J. B., Mouquet, N., Peter, H. & Hillebrand, H. 2011. Empirical approaches to metacommunities: a review and comparison with theory. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 26(9). . Boa revisão dos principais conceitos e estudos empíricos.
  • Hubert, N., Calcagno, V., Etienne, R.S. and Mouquet, N., 2015. Metacommunity speciation models and their implications for diversification theory. Ecology letters, 18(8), pp.864-881.
  • Mouquet N. and Loreau, M. (2003). Community patterns in source-sink metacommunities. American Naturalist, 162: 544-557.
  • Winegardner, A.K., Jones, B.K., Ng, I.S., Siqueira, T. and Cottenie, K., 2012. The terminology of metacommunity ecology. Trends Ecol Evol, 27: 253-254.
  • Heino, J., Melo, A.S., Siqueira, T., Soininen, J., Valanko, S. and Bini, L.M., 2015. Metacommunity organisation, spatial extent and dispersal in aquatic systems: patterns, processes and prospects. Freshwater Biology, 60(5): 845-869.
  • Amarasekare, P. 2000. The geometry of coexistence. Biol J Linnean Soc 71: 1-31.
  • Chesson, P., 1998. Recruitment limitation: a theoretical perspective. Australian Journal of Ecology, 23(3): 234-240.
  • Hanski, I. and Gilpin, M.E., 1997. Metapopulation biology. Academic Press.
  • Hanski, I. and Gaggiotti, O.E., 2004. Ecology, genetics, and evolution of metapopulations. Academic Press.
Reação-difusão e espaço explícito
  • Skellam, J.G., 1951. Random dispersal in theoretical populations. Biometrika, 38(1/2), pp.196-218.
  • Law, R., Murrell, D.J. and Dieckmann, U., 2003. Population growth in space and time: spatial logistic equations. Ecology, 84(1), pp.252-262.
  • Maciel, G.A. and Lutscher, F., 2013. How individual movement response to habitat edges affects population persistence and spatial spread. The American Naturalist, 182(1), pp.42-52. Do físico brasileiro Gabriel Maciel, prêmio "Outstanding Ecological Theory Paper" da Ecological Society of America em seu centenário.
Richard Levins
  • Levins, R. 1969. Some demographic and genetic consequences of environmental heterogeneity for biological control. Bulletin of the Entomological Society of America 15: 237–240. Artigo em que propôs o seu modelo de dinâmica de metapopulações.
  • Fond reminiscence of Richard Levins: testemunhos de cientistas influenciadas por Richard Levins, na comemoração de seus 85 anos.
  • Obituário da Harvard School of Public Health
  • The people's scientist, belo obituário que destaca o compromisso social de Richard Levins.
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