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Processos históricos e biogeográficos



  • Ricklefs, R.E. 1987. Community diversity: relative roles of local and regional processes. Science 235: 167-171.

Para discussão

  • Cornell H.V. 1985. Local and regional richness of Cynipine gall wasps on California oaks. Ecology 66: 1247-1260.
  • Pinto-Sánchez, N.R., Crawford, A.J. & Wiens, J.J. 2014. Using historical biogeography to test for community saturation. Ecology Letters 17: 1077–1085.

Sobre os(as) autores(as)

Howard Cornell
Nelsy Pinto-Sánchez

Material suplementar


  • Kingsland, S. 1995. Modeling nature-Episodes in the history of population ecology. The Chicago University Press, Chicago. Excelente história da teoria ecológica. Há um exemplar na biblioteca do IB. O último capítulo e posfácio abordam a retomada da história em uma ecologia dominada pelos modelos de dinâmica local.
  • Lawton, J.H., 1982. Vacant niches and unsaturated communities: a comparison of bracken herbivores at sites on two continents. The Journal of Animal Ecology, pp.573-595.
  • Ricklefs, R.E. & Schluter, D. 1993. Species diversity in ecological communities: historical and geographical perspectives. University of Chicago Press, Chicago.
  • Wiens, J.J. & Donoghue, M.J. 2004. Historical biogeography, ecology and species richness. TREE 19: 639-644.
  • Wiens J.J. 2011. The niche, biogeography and species interactions. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 366: 2336-2350.
  • Whittaker, R. H. (1972). Evolution and measurement of species diversity. Taxon, 213-251.


  • Gonçalves-Souza, T. et al. 2013. A critical analysis of the ubiquity of linear local–regional richness relationships. Oikos 122: 961–966.
  • Harrison S. & Cornell H. 2008. Toward a better understanding of the regional causes of local community richness. Ecology Letters 11: 969–979.
  • Hubert, N., Calcagno, V., Etienne, R.S. and Mouquet, N., 2015. Metacommunity speciation models and their implications for diversification theory. Ecology letters, 18(8), pp.864-881. Revisão de como evolução, dispersão e processos locais têm sido abordados pela vertente de metacomunidades.
  • Lessard, J.-P., Belmaker, J., Myers, J. a, Chase, J. M., & Rahbek, C. (2012). Inferring local ecological processes amid species pool influences. Trends in ecology & evolution, 27(11), 600–7.
  • Loreau M. 2000. Are communities saturated? On the relationships between alpha, beta and gamma diversity. Ecology Letters 3: 73-76.
  • Mittelbach G.G. et al. 2007. Evolution and the latitudinal diversity gradient: speciation, extinction and biogeography. Ecology Letters 10: 315–331.
  • Mittelbach, G. G., & Schemske, D. W. 2015.Ecological and evolutionary perspectives on community assembly. Trends in ecology & evolution, 30(5), 241-247.
  • Ricklefs, R.E. 2008. Disintegration of the ecological community. The American Naturalist 172:741-750.
    • Brooker, R.W., Callaway, R.M., Cavieres, L., Kikvidze, Z., Lortie, C.J., Michalet, R., Pugnaire, F.I., et al. 2009. Don’t diss integration: a comment on Ricklefs's disintegrating communities. The American naturalist, 174(6), 919-27
    • Ricklefs, R.E. 2009. A Brief Response to Brooker et al.’s Comment. The American Naturalist, 174(6), 928-931.
  • Shurin, J.B. 2000. Dispersal limitation, invasion resistance, and the structure of pond zooplankton communities. Ecology 81: 3074–3086.
  • Wiens, J.J., Ackerly, D.D., Allen, A.P., Anacker, B.L., Buckley, L.B., Cornell, H.V., Damschen, E.I., Jonathan Davies, T., Grytnes, J.A., Harrison, S.P. and Hawkins, B.A., 2010. Niche conservatism as an emerging principle in ecology and conservation biology. Ecology letters, 13(10), pp.1310-1324. Do special issue a seguir:

Estudos de caso

  • Pärtel, M., 2002. Local plant diversity patterns and evolutionary history at the regional scale. Ecology, 83(9), pp.2361-2366.
  • Silvestro, D., Antonelli, A., Salamin, N. & Quental, T.B., 2015. The role of clade competition in the diversification of North American canids. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 112(28): 8684-8689.
  • Wiens, J. J., Graham, C. H., Moen, D. S., Smith, S. A. & Reeder, T.W. 2006 Evolutionary and ecological causes of the latitudinal diversity gradient in hylid frogs: treefrog trees unearth the roots of high tropical diversity. Am. Nat. 168, 579–596.
  • Wiens, J.J., Parra-Olea, G., García-París, M. and Wake, D.B., 2007. Phylogenetic history underlies elevational biodiversity patterns in tropical salamanders. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences, 274(1612), pp.919-928.
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