Eventos Importantes na História da Vida (text-only version)
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Uma linha do tempo pode fornecer informações adicionais sobre a história da vida que não são visíveis em uma árvore evolutiva. Isso inclui eventos geológicos grandiosos, mudanças climáticas, propagação de organismos para novos habitats, mudanças nos ecossistemas, alterações em posicionamento continental e extinções generalizadas. Explore a linha do tempo abaixo para revisar alguns dos eventos importantes na história da vida.
Years ago |
Event |
130,000 |
Anatomically modern humans evolve. Seventy thousand years later, their descendents create cave paintings early expressions of consciousness. |
4 million |
In Africa, an early hominid, affectionately named Lucy by scientists, lives. The ice ages begin, and many large mammals go extinct. |
65 million |
A massive asteroid hits the Yucatan Peninsula, and ammonites and non-avian dinosaurs go extinct. Birds and mammals are among the survivors. |
130 million |
As the continents drift toward their present positions, the earliest flowers evolve, and dinosaurs dominate the landscape. In the sea, bony fish diversify. |
225 million |
Dinosaurs and mammals evolve. Pangea has begun to break apart. |
248 million |
Over 90% of marine life and 70% of terrestrial life go extinct during the Earths largest mass extinction. Ammonites are among the survivors. |
250 million |
The supercontinent called Pangea forms. Conifer-like forests, reptiles, and synapsids (the ancestors of mammals) are common. |
360 million |
Four-limbed vertebrates move onto the land as seed plants and large forests appear. The Earths oceans support vast reef systems. |
420 million |
Land plants evolve, drastically changing Earths landscape and creating new habitats. |
450 million |
Arthropods move onto the land. Their descendants evolve into scorpions, spiders, mites, and millipedes. |
500 million |
Fish-like vertebrates evolve. Invertebrates, such as trilobites, crinoids, brachiopids, and cephalopods, are common in the oceans. |
555 million |
Multi-cellular marine organisms are common. The diverse assortment of life includes bizarre-looking animals like Wiwaxia. |
3.5 billion |
Unicellular life evolves. Photosynthetic bacteria begin to release oxygen into the atmosphere. |
3.8 billion |
Replicating molecules (the precursors of DNA) form. |
4.6 billion |
The Earth forms and is bombarded by meteorites and comets. |
The University of California Museum of Paleontology Geologic Timeline
Deep Time at PBS.org