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Group 5

Tales from the Pantanal

Wiki site of the practical exercise of the VIII Southern-Summer School on Mathematical Biology.

Here you will find the exercise assignment and the group's products.

If you are a group member login to edit this page, create new pages from it, and upload files.



Suggested questions

* Hyacinth macaws needs trees older than 60 years to build their nests. How would you incorporate generation time in your model? How does that change your previous predictions about the dynamics of the system?


Conservation puzzle: Endangered hyacinth macaw depends on its nest predator for reproduction Marco Aurélio Pizo, Camila I. Donatti, Neiva Maria R.Guedes, and Mauro Galetti Biological Conservation (2008)

2019/groups/g5/start.1545656156.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/01/09 18:45 (external edit)