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Group 2

Hawkmoths: pollinators that are herbivores

Wiki site of the practical exercise of the IV Southern-Summer School on Mathematical Biology.

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Adults of the hawkmoth Manduca sexta are the main pollinators of the Sacred Datura (Datura wrightii) in the western deserts of North America. Oddly enough, Datura leaves are the main food of the hawkmoth's larvae. The evolutionary costs and benefits for both species have been extensively investigated. Population dynamics is much less explored.


Identify the key players of this system and their roles. Propose a model for their population dynamics that take into account the relevant biological information available.

Suggested questions

  • What is the minimal model that predict coexistence of a plant and a pollinator that is also his herbivore ?
  • Can this minimal model describe properly population dynamics of the system Datura / hawkmoth ? If not, what key biological aspect of the system should be considered?


  • Bronstein, J.L., T.H. Huxman, and G. Davidowitz (2009). Reproductive biology of Datura wrightii: the benefits of associating with an herbivorous pollinator. Annals of Botany 103: 1435-1443.

Group results

2015/groups/g2/start.1421084859.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/01/09 18:45 (external edit)