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Evolution in metapopulations

Further reading

Ajar E. (2003). Analysis of disruptive selection in subdivided populations. BMC Evol Biol, 3.

Allen B., Nowak M.A. & Dieckmann U. (2013). Adaptive dynamics with interaction structure. Am Nat, 181, E139-63.

Bengtsson B.O. (1978). Avoiding inbreeding: at what cost? J Theor Biol, 73, 439-444.

Chesson P.L. (1984). Persistence of a Markovian population in a patchy environment. Zeitschrift Fur Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie Und Verwandte Gebiete, 66, 97-107.

Clobert J., Le Galliard J.-F., Cote J., Meylan S. & Massot M. (2009). Informed dispersal, heterogeneity in animal dispersal syndromes and the dynamics of spatially structured populations. Ecol Lett, 12, 197-209.

Duputié A. & Massol F. (2013). An empiricist’s guide to theoretical predictions on the evolution of dispersal. Interface Focus, 3.

Gadgil M. (1971). Dispersal: population consequences and evolution. Ecology, 52, 253-261.

Grafen A. (1984). Natural selection, kin selection and group selection. In: Behavioural Ecology: an Evolutionary Approach (eds. Krebs JR & Davies NB). Blackwell Oxford, pp. 6284.

Hamilton W.D. (1964). The genetical evolution of social behaviour. I. J Theor Biol, 7, 1-16.

Hamilton W.D. (1964). The genetical evolution of social behaviour. II. J Theor Biol, 7, 17-52.

Hamilton W.D. & May R.M. (1977). Dispersal in stable habitats. Nature, 269, 578-581.

Lehmann L. & Rousset F. (2010). How life history and demography promote or inhibit the evolution of helping behaviours. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci, 365, 2599-2617.

McKenzie H., Jin Y., Jacobsen J. & Lewis M. (2012). R0 analysis of a spatiotemporal model for a stream population. SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems, 11, 567-596.

Massol F., Calcagno V. & Massol J. (2009). The metapopulation fitness criterion: proof and perspectives. Theor Popul Biol, 75, 183-200.

Metz J.A.J. & Gyllenberg M. (2001). How should we define fitness in structured metapopulation models? Including an application to the calculation of evolutionarily stable dispersal strategies. Proc R Soc Lond B Biol Sci, 268, 499-508.

Nowak M.A., Tarnita C.E. & Wilson E.O. (2010). The evolution of eusociality. Nature, 466, 1057-1062.

Parvinen K. & Metz J.A.J. (2008). A novel fitness proxy in structured locally finite metapopulations with diploid genetics, with an application to dispersal evolution. Theor Popul Biol, 73, 517-528.

Parvinen K. (2002). Evolutionary branching of dispersal strategies in structured metapopulations. J Math Biol, 45, 106-124.

Ronce O. (2007). How does it feel to be like a rolling stone? Ten questions about dispersal evolution. Annu Rev Ecol Evol Syst, 38, 231-253.

Simon B., Fletcher J.A. & Doebeli M. (2013). Towards a general theory of group selection. Evolution, 67, 1561-1572.

van Baalen M. & Rand D.A. (1998). The unit of selection in viscous populations and the evolution of altruism. J Theor Biol, 193, 631-648.

van Valen L. (1971). Group selection and the evolution of dispersal. Evolution, 25, 591-598.

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