Teacher Roadblocks

As teachers, we are more effective when we are well-prepared, knowledgeable about what we are teaching, and have effective curricular strategies. A depth of knowledge beyond what is actually shared with our students provides confidence and flexibility while adjusting to their needs and inquiries. This is particularly true in the teaching of evolution, where student questions can be difficult.

Four Strategies:

  1. Update your background knowledge.
    This site contains a wealth of content to be independently explored. Each section has been developed to increase teacher knowledge and confidence in teaching evolution. (Read more in our Content section, beginning with the Nature of Science.)

  2. Add to your lesson repertoire.
    This site provides a rich supply of resources that can be used to teach particular concepts in evolution that are appropriate for each grade span. (Read more and search for Lessons that you can use.)

  3. Avoid potential pitfalls.
    This site provides examples of common pitfalls-terminology and lessons that may interfere with student learning, and helps you avoid them. (Read more in our section on Potential Pitfalls.)

  4. Find the right response.
    Questions are what science is all about. Students will pose many sincere queries about evolution. These questions provide wonderful opportunities for increasing student understanding.

    On the other hand, some student questions may reflect negative preconceptions held by parents or other adults in the community. For ways of dealing with both types of questions, see the next section, Student Roadblocks.


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Student Roadblocks

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