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Group 3

Mi casa es tu casa: burrowing owls, badgers and ground squirrels

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 Burrowing owl adult and its nestlings

Burrowing owls (Athene cunicularia) nest and roost in abandoned burrows dig by other animals in prairies and grasslands. In North America the main providers of burrows for these owls are the badger (Taxidea taxus), and ground rodents related to the marmots (mainly prairie dogs, Cynomys spp.).

 Prairie dog colony

Indeed, some studies suggest that the reproductive success of burrowing owls increase with the density of burrows abandoned by mammals. Besides the direct effect of burrow availability, owls can benefit from higher densities of nests by increasing predator alertness.

Oddly enough, in many areas badgers are the main predators of the owls nests. Moreover, ground rodents are preyed upon by badgers and burrowing owls as well.

 American badger

2018/groups/g3/start.1514564155.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/01/09 18:45 (external edit)