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 ===== Phenotypic models ===== ===== Phenotypic models =====
 +Lecture [[]]
 +=== Relevant webpages ===
 +Josef Hofbauer's [[]]
 +Adaptive dynamics network at IIASA [[]]
 +Odo Diekmann's beginners guide to adaptive dynamics [[]]
 === Further reading === === Further reading ===
 +Akçay E. & Roughgarden J. (2011). The evolution of payoff matrices: providing incentives to cooperate. Proc R Soc Lond B Biol Sci, 278. [[]]
 +Arnold S.J. (1992). Constraints on phenotypic evolution. Am Nat, 140, S85-S107. [[]]
 +Bishop D.T. & Cannings C. (1976). Models of animal conflict. Adv Appl Proba, 8, 616-621. [[]]
 +Bishop D.T. & Cannings C. (1978). A generalized war of attrition. J Theor Biol, 70, 85-124. [[]]
 +Bulmer M.G. (1989). Maintenance of genetic variability by mutation–selection balance: a child's guide through the jungle. Genome, 31, 761-767. [[]]
 +Bürger R. & Lynch M. (1995). Evolution and extinction in a changing environment: a quantitative genetic analysis. Evolution, 49, 151-163. [[]]
 +Champagnat N. (2006). A microscopic interpretation for adaptive dynamics trait substitution sequence models. Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 116, 1127-1160. [[]]
 +Champagnat N., Ferrière R. & Ben Arous G. (2002). The canonical equation of adaptive dynamics: a mathematical view. Selection, 2, 73-83. [[]]
 +Chevin L.-M. (2013). Genetic constraints on adaptation to a changing environment. Evolution, 67, 708-721. [[]]
 +Dieckmann U. & Doebeli M. (1999). On the origin of species by sympatric speciation. Nature, 400, 354-357. [[]]
 +Dieckmann U. & Law R. (1996). The dynamical theory of coevolution: A derivation from stochastic ecological processes. J Math Biol, 34, 579-612. [[]]
 +Eshel I. (1983). Evolutionary and continuous stability. J Theor Biol, 103, 99-111. [[]]
 +Falconer D.S. & Mackay T.F.C. (1996). Introduction to quantitative genetics. 4th edn.
 +Frank S.A. (1995). George Price’s contributions to evolutionary genetics. J Theor Biol, 175, 373-388. [[]]
 +Geritz S.A.H., Kisdi E., Meszena G. & Metz J.A.J. (1998). Evolutionarily singular strategies and the adaptive growth and branching of the evolutionary tree. Evol Ecol, 12, 35-57. [[]]
 +Hofbauer J. & Sigmund K. (1990). Adaptive dynamics and evolutionary stability. Appl Math Lett, 3, 75-79. [[]]
 +Lande R. (1979). Quantitative genetic analysis of multivariate evolution, applied to brain: body size allometry. Evolution, 33, 402-416. [[]]
 +Lande R. (1980). The genetic covariance between characters maintained by pleiotropic mutations. Genetics, 94, 203-215. [[]]
 +Lynch M. & Walsh B. (1998). Genetics and analysis of quantitative traits. Sinauer (Sunderland, Mass.).
 +Maynard Smith J. & Price G.R. (1973). The logic of animal conflict. Nature, 246, 15-18. [[]]
 +Nash Jr J.F. (1950). The bargaining problem. Econometrica, 155-162. [[]]
 +Nowak M. & Sigmund K. (1990). The evolution of stochastic strategies in the prisoner's dilemma. Acta Appl Math, 20, 247-265. [[]]
 +Nowak M.A. & Sigmund K. (2004). Evolutionary dynamics of biological games. Science, 303, 793-799. [[]]
 +Schuster P. & Sigmund K. (1983). Replicator dynamics. J Theor Biol, 100, 533-538. [[]]
 +Sinervo B. & Lively C.M. (1996). The rock-paper-scissors game and the evolution of alternative male strategies. Nature, 380, 240-243. [[]]
 +Slatkin M. (1980). Ecological character displacement. Ecology, 61, 163-177. [[]]
 +Turelli M. & Barton N.H. (1994). Genetic and statistical analyses of strong selection on polygenic traits: what, me normal? Genetics, 138, 913-941. [[]]
2014/courses/massol/phenotypic_models.1391508713.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/01/09 18:45 (external edit)