Thompson & Townsend (multiple sources)

General information

Thhis series of studies took place in streams in New Zealand, Maine and North Carolina (USA). The food webs reported are from comparisons of the effects of land use on stream food web structure regionally (Townsend et al. 1998, Thompson and Townsend in press) and at a continental scale (Thompson and Townsend 2003). Detailed methods are presented in Jaarsma et al. (1998). These food webs have also been the subject of reanalysis for the effects of allocation of effort (Thompson et al. 2001), taxonomic resolution (Thompson and Townsend 2000), and seasonal variability (Thompson and Townsend 1999). 

Data type

The authors recorded the identities of aquatic insect, algae and fish species and their trophic interactions. Data are presented as a binary interaction matrix, in which cells with a "1" indicate a trophic interaction between a pair of species, and a "0" indicates no interaction.


Jaarsma, N.G., de Boer, S.M., Townsend, C.R., Thompson, R.M. and Edwards, E.D. 1998. Characterising food webs in two New Zealand streams. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 32: 271-286.

Thompson, R.M., Edwards, E.D., McIntosh, A.R. and Townsend, C.R. 2001. Allocation of effort in stream food web studies – the best compromise? Marine and Freshwater Research 52/3: 339-345.

Thompson, R.M. and Townsend, C.R. 1999. The effect of seasonal variation on the community structure and food-web attributes of two streams : implications for food-web science. Oikos 87: 75-88.

Thompson, R.M. and Townsend, C.R. 2000. Is resolution the solution? the effect of taxonomic resolution on the calculated properties of three stream food webs. Freshwater Biology 43: 1-10.

Thompson, R.M. and Townsend, C.R. 2003. Impacts on stream food webs of native and exotic forest: an intercontinental comparison. Ecology 84: 145-161.

Thompson, R.M. and Townsend, C.R. In press. Energy availability, spatial heterogeneity and ecosystem size predict food-web structure in streams. Oikos.

Townsend, C.R., Thompson, R.M., McIntosh, A.R., Kilroy, C., Edwards, E.D. and Scarsbrook, M.R. 1998. Disturbance, resource supply and food-web architecture in streams. Ecology Letters 1: 200-209.

Data files

Text format: interaction matrices (no species names) for AkatoreA, AkatoreB, Catlins, Berwick, Venlaw, Narrowdale, Blackrock, Broad, Canton, DempstersSu, DempstersAu, DempstersSp, German, Healy, LilKyeburn, Stony, SuttonSu, SuttonAu, SuttonSp, Kyeburn, NorthCol, Powder, Troy, Martins, Coweeta17 and Coweeta1, or download WinZip file with all text matrices.

Excel format: interaction matrices (includes species lists) for AkatoreA, AkatoreB, Catlins, Berwick, Venlaw, Narrowdale, Blackrock, Broad, Canton, DempstersSu, DempstersAu, DempstersSp, German, Healy, LilKyeburn, Stony, SuttonSu, SuttonAu, SuttonSp, Kyeburn, NorthCol, Powder, Troy, Martins, Coweeta17 and Coweeta1, or download WinZip file with all Excel matrices.

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