Schemske et al.
Populations of seven early
flowering, low-growing, perennial woodland herbs were studied in a 24
hectare sit in Brownfield Woods, close to Urbana, Illinois, U.S.A. The
sequence and variety of flowers visited by individual insects were
recorded for the first foraging insect observed in a randomly selected,
1 m2 quadrat located within a 10x10 m grid that included
representatives of several plant species.
Data type
The authors recorded their data by
counting the number of visits of each flower visitor species to each
plant species. Data are presented as an interaction frequency matrix,
in which cells with positive integers indicate the frequency of
interaction between a pair of species, and cells with zeros indicate no
Schemske, D. W., M. F. Willson, M.
N. Melampy, L. J. Miller, L. Verner, K. M. Schemske, and L. B. Best.
1978. Flowering Ecology of Some Spring Woodland Herbs. Ecology
Data files
Text format: interaction
matrix (no species names)
Excel format: interaction
matrix (includes species lists)

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