Olesen et al. (2002)
The structure of pollination
networks were investigated for two oceanic islands, the Azorean Flores
and the Mauritian Ile aux Aigrettes.
Data type
The authors recorded their data by
counting the number of visits of each flower visitor species to each
plant species. Data are presented as an interaction frequency matrix,
in which cells with positive integers indicate the frequency of
interaction between a pair of species, and cells with zeros indicate no
Olesen, J. M., L. I. Eskildsen, and
S. Venkatasamy. 2002. Invasion of pollination networks on oceanic
islands: importance of invader complexes and endemic super generalists.
Diversity and Distributions 8:181-192.
Data files
Text format (no species names) for Ile aux
Aigrettes and Flores
Excel format (includes species
lists) for Ile aux
Aigrettes and Flores

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