Kaiser-Bunbury et
al. (2009)
This paper describes the community structure of pollination webs of
Mauritian heathland habitats. Visitation rates and interactions
strenght are compared between areas heavily invaded by introduced plant
species (control site) and areas from which non-native plants
were removed (restored site).
Data type
The authors have done static
observations (sit-and-observe). In this approach the numbers of flowers
(within a given area) and observation time vary. To account for these
differences, a visitation rate was calculated based on the visits per
flower per hour and these values were then averaged by the total
observation time.
Kaiser-Bunbury, C. N.,
Memmott J. & Müller C. B., 2009. Community structure of
pollination webs of Mauritian heathland habitats. Perspectives in Plant
Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 11: 241–254
Kaiser-Bunbury, C. N., Muff, S., Memmot, J., Muller, C. B. &
Caflisch, A., 2010. The robustness of pollination networks to the loss
of species and interactions: a quantitative approach incorporating
pollinator behaviour. Ecology Letters, 13: 442-452.
Data files
Excel format: interaction
matrices for both control and restored sites (includes species
lists). Each site has one
data set containing the visitation rates and one data set containing
the fully quantitative interaction data, which is basically accounting
for the total floral abundance at a given site.
snapshots requests
The authors are able to provide
'temporal snapshots' networks as independent 2-weekly 'replicates'
throughout the entire flowering season. Data requests should be
addressed to c.kaiserbunbury@gmail.com

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