Inouye & Pyke
This paper reports a
community-level study of the pollination biology of alpine plants in
Kosciusko National Park in the Snowy Mountains of south-eastern New
South Wales, Australia. The flora and their associated insect
pollinators were observed from December 1983 until March 1984.
Data type
The authors recorded their data by
counting the number of individual flower visitors caught on each plant
species. The total number of individuals collected on each plant
species provide a rough estimate of the level of visitation that each
species received. Data are presented as an interaction frequency
matrix, in which cells with positive integers indicate the frequency of
interaction between a pair of species, and cells with zeros indicate no
Inouye, D. W., and G. H. Pyke.
1988. Pollination biology in the Snowy Mountains of Australia:
comparisons with montane Colorado, USA. Australian Journal of Ecology
Data files
Text format: interaction matrix
(no species names)
Excel format: interaction
matrix (includes species lists)

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