Genrich et al.
General information
This dataset depicts mutualistic and antagonistic interactions between mammals and seeds in a weighted multilayer network. The authors determined the fruits eaten by nonvolant small mammals by analyzing fecal samples from individuals captured in live traps set on the ground and on trees. Seed viability was assessed with a tetrazolium test designed to determine the outcome of the interactions (i.e., mutualism or antagonism), as estimated by whether or not seeds survived gut passage. The study areas are near Belo Horizonte (Minas Gerais State), southeastern Brazil, an ecotone between Atlantic Forest and Cerrado.
Data type
Plant-frugivore multilayer network, including interactions of seed dispersal and seed destruction. The data provided in the XLS file encompass 3 worksheets:
(1) info: general information, including coordinates for the sampling sites
(2) pajek: network formated as a multilayer edge list for opening in the freely available program Pajek.
(2) metadata: metadata for the Pajek data, including species names and groups (rodents, marsupials, and plants).
Alternatively, each worksheet listed above is available as a TXT file.
Genrich, C., M. A. R. Mello, F. A. O. Silveira, J. L. Bronstein & A. P. Paglia. Duality of interaction outcomes in a plant-frugivore multilayer network. Oikos. In press.
Data files
XLS format (1 file, 3 worksheets)
TXT format (3 files): info, pajek, metadata.

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