Bluthgen et al.
describes de ant-plant interaction network in the rainforest at the
Australian Canopy Crane in Cape Tribulation, Far North Queensland,
Australia (16°07' S, 145°27' E, 80 m a.s.l.) and adjacent
forests within 5 km radius of the crane site, including patches of open
secondary forest. Counts of ant colonies attending extrafloral
(EFN) and floral nectaries (FN) are provided, as well as independent
abundance estimates for ant colonies based on sugar bait experiment
(from Blüthgen and Fiedler 2004). Ants with zero abundance
are those not recorded during bait experiments. For plants, number of
plant individuals on which any insect were recorded on nectaries given
as abundance estimate. Plant life forms: cl = climber, he = herb, sh =
shrub, tr = tree, pa = palm.
Data type
of interaction was estimated as the number of ant individuals of a
particular species collected on a plant species. Data are
presented as an interaction frequency matrix, in which cells with
positive integers indicate the frequency of interaction between a pair
of species, and cells with zeros indicate no interaction.
Blüthgen, N., N. E. Stork, and K. Fiedler. 2004. Bottom-up control
and co-occurrence in complex communities: honeydew and nectar determine
a rainforest ant mosaic. Oikos 106: 344-358.
data: Blüthgen, N. and K. Fiedler. 2004. Preferences for sugars
and amino acids and their conditionality in a diverse nectar-feeding
ant community. Journal of Animal Ecology 73: 155-166.
Data files
Text format: interaction
matrix (no species names)
Excel format: interaction
matrix (includes species lists and abundance estimates)

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