Arroyo et al. (1982)
This study took place at three
different altitudinal levels in the Andean (alpine) zone on the Cordon
del Crepo in central Chile. This paper reports the results of a
community-oriented study on pollination mechanisms in the high
temperate Andes and discusses how pollination mechanisms vary with
Data type
The authors recorded the identities
of insect and plant species and their interactions. Data are presented
as a binary interaction matrix, in which cells with a "1" indicate an
interaction between a pair of species, and a "0" indicates no
Arroyo, M. T. K., R. B. Primack,
and J. J. Armesto. 1982. Community studies in pollination ecology in
the high temperate Andes of Central Chile. I. Pollination mechanisms
and altitudinal variation. American Journal of Botany 69:82-97.
Data files
Text format: interaction matrix (no
species names) for Elevation I, Elevation II,
and Elevation
Excel format: interaction matrix
(includes species lists) for Elevation I, Elevation II,
and Elevation

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