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Interview: Geerat Vermeij on the fossil record

Author/Source: California Academy of Sciences
Overview:This interview with MacArthur Fellow and paleobiologist, Geerat Vermeij, covers much ground, including adaptations in the mollusks he studies, evolutionary arms races, punctuated equilibrium, extinctions, macroevolution, and the value of diversity.
Concepts:This lesson covers the following concepts:
  • There is a fit between organisms and their environments, though not always a perfect fit.
  • Traits that are advantageous often persist in a population.
  • We can learn about the natural world using our senses and extensions of our senses.
  • Science is a human endeavor.
Grade Level:9-12
Time:20-30 minutes
Teacher Background:Explore these links for additional information on the topics covered in this lesson:
Teaching Tips:The writing level of this piece is fairly advanced. This article doesn't go into much detail on the concepts it touches; however, it would make a great capstone or kick-off reading for a lesson on natural selection and arms races. Student learning on the topics covered by this interview may be enhanced by class discussion.