Lesson summary for...

Proposing the Theory of Biological Evolution

Author/Source: National Academy of Sciences
Overview:Students read short excerpts of original statements on evolution from Jean Lamarck, Charles Darwin, and Alfred Russel Wallace to gain historical perspective and an understanding of the nature of science.
Concepts:This lesson covers the following concepts:
  • Scientists pose, test, and revise multiple hypotheses to explain what they observe.
  • Scientists use only natural causes to explain natural phenomena.
  • Science does not prove or conclude; science is always a work in progress.
  • Science is not based on popular opinion.
  • Science is non-dogmatic.
  • Scientific claims are subject to peer review and replication.
  • Science is a human endeavor.
  • Our understanding of life through time is based upon multiple lines of evidence.
Grade Level:9-12
Time:Three class periods.
Teacher Background:Explore these links for additional information on the topics covered in this lesson: