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Evo in the news: Quick evolution leads to quiet crickets

Author/Source: UC Museum of Paleontology
Overview:The tropical island of Kauai has always been a quiet place, but now it may be getting even more quiet. This news brief, from December 2006, reveals how Kauai's cricket population has evolved into a "chirpless" variety in just a few years.
Concepts:This lesson covers the following concepts:
  • Evolution results from selection acting upon genetic variation within a population.
  • Traits that are advantageous often persist in a population.
  • The process by which advantageous traits are maintained and disadvantageous traits are weeded out of a population is known as natural selection.
  • Inherited characteristics affect the likelihood of an organism's survival and reproduction.
  • Depending on environmental conditions, inherited characteristics may be advantageous, neutral, or detrimental.
  • Populations evolve.
  • The proportion of individuals with advantageous characteristics may increase due to their increased likelihood of surviving and reproducing.
Grade Level:9-12
Time:20 minutes
Teacher Background:Explore these links for additional information on the topics covered in this lesson:
Teaching Tips:This article includes a set of discussion and extension questions, as well as links to related lessons that might be used in conjunction with this one.