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Parsimonious explanations for punctuated patterns

Author/Source: Evolution: Education and Outreach
Overview:Punctuated equilibrium is sometimes erroneously cited as evidence that evolutionary biology still hasn't figured out how evolution works. In fact nothing could be further from the truth. Punctuated equilibrium builds on (not tears down!) established evolutionary theory. Find out how the process works.
This article appears at SpringerLink.
Concepts:This lesson covers the following concepts:
  • Rates of extinction vary.
  • The fossil record provides evidence for evolution.
  • The fossil record documents patterns of extinction and the appearance of new forms.
  • Occupying new environments can provide new selection pressures and new opportunities, leading to speciation.
  • Theories are central to scientific thinking.
  • Scientists use fossils (including sequences of fossils showing gradual change over time) to learn about past life.
Grade Level:9-12
Time:40 minutes
Teacher Background:Explore these links for additional information on the topics covered in this lesson:
Teaching Tips:This article comes with links to additional examples, supplementary information, and classroom tips. It is also available as a pdf at http://www.springerlink.com/content/53404076954704k3/fulltext.pdf