Lesson summary for...

Nature of science

Author/Source: UC Museum of Paleontology
Overview:Understanding how science works allows one to easily distinguish science from non-science. Thus, to understand biological evolution, or any other science, it is essential to begin with the nature of science.
Concepts:This lesson covers the following concepts:
  • Scientists use only natural causes to explain natural phenomena.
  • We can learn about the natural world using our senses and extensions of our senses.
  • Scientific ideas are developed through reasoning.
  • Science does not prove or conclude; science is always a work in progress.
  • Science corrects itself.
  • Science is not based on popular opinion.
  • Science is non-dogmatic.
  • Scientific claims are subject to peer review and replication.
  • Theories are central to scientific thinking.
  • Science is a human endeavor.
Grade Level:9-12
Time:20-30 minutes
Teacher Background:Explore these links for additional information on the topics covered in this lesson:
Teaching Tips:Student learning could be enhanced by classroom discussion in which the concepts in this lesson are applied to specific examples.