Lesson summary for...

Exploring Variation and Heritability

Author/Source: MUSE
Overview:Students explore the natural variations present in a variety of organisms by examining sunflower seeds and Wisconsin Fast Plants™ to consider the role of heredity in natural selection.
Concepts:This lesson covers the following concepts:
  • Evolution results from selection acting upon genetic variation within a population.
  • Traits that are advantageous often persist in a population.
  • The process by which advantageous traits are maintained and disadvantageous traits are weeded out of a population is known as natural selection.
  • Inherited characteristics affect the likelihood of an organism's survival and reproduction.
  • Natural selection acts on individuals and populations in a nonrandom way.
  • Populations evolve.
Grade Level:9-12
Time:Two to three class periods.
Teacher Background:Explore these links for additional information on the topics covered in this lesson:
Teaching Tips:Ten days prior to the activity you will need to plant several pots of Wisconsin Fast Plants ™ so that they have true leaves by the time of the activity. Students use graphs and statistical tools.