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  • Akçakaya, H. R., Burgman, M. A. & Guinzbur, L. R. 1999. Applied Population Ecology. Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, Massachusetts.pdfdjvu
  • Cohen, J. E. (2004). Mathematics is biology’s next microscope, only better; biology is mathematics’ next physics, only better. Plos biol, 2(12), e439.pdf
  • El-Hani, C. N. (2006). Generalizações ecológicas. Oecologia brasiliensis, 10(1), 3.pdf
  • Fawcett, T. W., & Higginson, A. D. (2012). Heavy use of equations impedes communication among biologists. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 109(29), 11735-11739.
  • Scheiner, S. 2013. The ecological literature, an idea-free distribution. Ecology Letters 16: 1421–1423. Belo editorial sobre a falta de teoria nos artigos de ecologia.
  • Begon, Towsend & Harper, 2006. ECOLOGY - From Individuals to Ecosystems. Blackwell Publishings, Oxford begon_cap_5.pdf
  • Fernandez, F. 2000. O Poema Imperfeito. Cronicas de Biologia, Conservação da Natureza e seus Heróis. Editora UFPR, Curitiba o_poema_imperfeito_cap_5.pdf
  • Sherratt, T. N. & Wilkinson, D. M. 2009. Big questions in ecology and evolution. OUP Oxford, Oxford.capítulo 6 - Is Nature Chaotic?
  • May. R.M. 1976. Simple mathematical models with very complicated dynamics. Nature, 261: 459-467.
  • Matthiopoulos, J. 2011. How to be a quantitative ecologist: the 'A to R' guide of green mathematics and statistics. Wiley, New York. Capítulo 0 - Introdução ao R
  • Morris, W. F., and D. F. Doak. 2002. Quantitative conservation biology: Theory and practice of population viability analysis. Sinauer, Sunderland, Massachusetts, USA.1)

A obsessão da academia pela quantidade

Isadore Nabi


Um ótimo livro sobre Análise de Viabilidade Populacional
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