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Group 7

<html><font size=6 face=“Arial”> Victimless robbery </font></html>

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Wiki site of the practical exercise of the IX Southern-Summer School on Mathematical Biology.

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In nature, ecosystems are full of ecological interactions. The ecological interactions could occur between two or more species and will be an interchange of services or resources between them. The outcome of ecological interactions can be positive, neutral or negative for each of the involved species. The combination of the outcome for each species is how we classify the type of ecological interaction. For instance, mutualism are interactions in which all interacting partners benefit from the interaction like seed dispersal and others. But, when one species benefit, as a predator, and the other species has a loss, as the prey, this is an antagonism.

Pollination is usually considered a mutualistic interaction. The reason is that most plants need to transfer pollen from its own flowers to other's individuals flowers to successfully reproduce, and the animals do this in the pollination process. On the other hand, animals can get rewards (as nectar or pollen) when they visit the flower, achieving food. In this scenario, both the flower and the pollinator gain from the pollination process. However, relationships can be more complicated; interactions do not happen in isolation. Some animals can cheat, acquiring the resources by alternative ways. Some bees, for example, are able to cut a hole in the side of the flower large enough to access the nectar (nectar robbers).

 [Nectar robber. Source|]

The presence of nectar robbers in plant-pollinator interactions make predictions for the outcome from the interaction difficult. Even though robbers will always benefit from the interaction, plants and pollinators could be positively, negatively or remain unaffected by interacting with robbers. Nectar robbers could be costly to plants as they obtain pollen and nectar without providing pollination. Nectar robbers could damage ovary or other structures of the flowers not allowing reproduction, or could else interact aggressively with the pollinators, startling them, or even make the robbed flowers unattractive to pollinators. However, some studies point out that we may not be catching all plant-pollinator-robber dynamics. Zhang et al (2007) proposed that nectar robbing could indirectly affect plant reproduction, by changing pollinators' behavior or frequency of visitation, bringing even positive consequences for the plants. If the presence of robbed flowers changes pollinators behavior, making pollinators visit more flowers, it could improve pollen flow and out-crossing. Varma & Sino (2019) observed that the behaviour of the pollinator could change because of the presence of cheaters, indicating a higher foraging efficiency of pollinators.


The interplay between distinct interacting partners could elucidate the underlying mechanism that regulates interaction species dynamics. Build a mathematical model that enable us to comprehend plant-pollinator-robber dynamics.

Questions & Suggestions

* How could the population proportions of each group (pollinator, plants, robbers) modulate the persistence and dynamics of the interaction?

* In which scenarios robbers could act as mutualistic or as antagonistic partners to plant-pollinators?

* Would be plant-pollinator-robber an oscillatory dynamics?


2020/groups/g7/start.1578358052.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/01/09 18:45 (external edit)