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Group 7

Desert Scorpions

Wiki site of the practical exercise of the IV Southern-Summer School on Mathematical Biology.

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Intraguild predation is a very widespread and important interaction in many systems. It happens when two or more species that make use of similar resources, making them competitors, also also have predator-prey interactions. In the Coachella Valley, California, four scorpion species engage in intraguild predation among themselves. Polis & McCormick (1987) carried out a study on these four scorpion species, and concluded that the most abudant scorpion limited the growth of the others, not through competition, but rather via predation.


Hadrurus arizonensis scorpion

2016/groups/g7/start.1451078615.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/01/09 18:45 (external edit)