Vizentin-Bugoni et al.
General information
Data on interactions between flowering plants native to the Neotropics and associated hummingbirds at the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. The matrix summarizes observations along 12,000 m of trails at Santa Virgínia Field Station (Serra do Mar State Park, SE Brazil). The authors sampled transects from September 2011 to August 2013, during 4 to 10 days each month, totalizing 2716 h of focal observation. The dataset refers to hummingbird species that touched anthers and stigmas. Rarefaction analyses support that the majority of the links were sampled at the study site.
Data type
Data are presented as a quantitative
interaction matrix (text file without species names). A complementary Excel file provides 7 additional worksheets with data describing species taxonomy, abundances, phenologies, and morphological traits, as listed below:
- quantitative interaction
matrix including species acronyms;
- plant species names, corresponding acronyms, number of flowers, and relative abundances;
- hummingbird species names, corresponding acronyms, contacts in transects, frequency of occurrence, and relative frequencies;
- phenology data for plant species, including monthly records from September 2011 to August 2013
- phenology data for hummingbird species, including monthly records from September 2011 to August 2013
- morphological data for plant species, including minimum corolla depth, mean corolla depth and respectives standard deviations and number of observations (n).
- morphological data for hummingbird species, including mean bill lengths (exposed culmen), respective standard deviations and number of observations (n), tongue extension, and bill + tongue estimations.
See the reference below for detailed sampling methods and other methodological information.
Vizentin-Bugoni, J., P. K. Maruyama, V. J. Debastiani, L. S. Duarte, B. Dalsgaard & M. Sazima (2016). Influences of sampling effort on detected patterns and structuring processes of a Neotropical plant-hummingbird network. Journal of Animal Ecology 85: 262-272.
Data files
Text format: interaction
matrix (no species names)
Excel format (7 worksheets): interaction
matrix with acronyms, plant species names and abundances, hummingbird species names and abundances, plant phenologies, hummingbird phenologies, morphological data for plants, morhpological data for hummingbirds.

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