Poulin et al. (1999)
information on plant
phenology and frugivore diet used in this study was taken from two
independent studies carried out at Barro Colorado Island (9°9'N,
79°51'W) and Soberania National Park (9° 10'N, 79° 7'W) in
Central Panama. Both sites have a tropical monsoon climate and support
a semideciduous tropical forest with a mature canopy height of 35 m.
The abundance and diet of dispersal agents were studied to investigate
both the timing of fruit maturation and the patterns of seed dispersal.
Data type
The data indicates the number of
fruits taken by
the bird species mist-netted at the national park.
Poulin, Brigitte, S. Joseph
Wright, Gaetan Lefebvre, and Osvaldo
Calderon (1999) Interspecific synchrony and asynchrony in the fruiting
phenologies of congeneric bird-dispersed plants in Panama. Journal of
Tropical Ecology 15: 213-227.
Data files
Text format: interaction
matrix (no species names)
Excel format: interaction
matrix (includes species lists)

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