Davidson &
Fisher (1991)
General information
In this paper the authors discuss
why it is wrong to assume that reciprical extreme specialization is a
prerequiste for coevolution and consider how different kinds of
asymmetry in specialization lead to different forms of coevolution.
Data type
The authors recorded their data by
counting the number of visits of each ant species to each plant
species. Data are presented as an interaction frequency matrix, in
which cells with positive integers indicate the frequency of
interaction between a pair of species, and cells with zeros indicate no
Davidson, D.W., and B.L. Fisher.
1991. Symbiosis of ants with Cecropia as a function of light regime.
Pages 289-309 in C.R. Huxley and D.F. Cutler, eds., Ant-Plant
Interactions. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Data files
Text format: interaction
matrix (no species names)
Excel format: interaction
matrix (includes species lists)

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