====== Predação e estrutura de comunidades ====== ===== Leituras ===== ==== Introdutórias ==== * Holt, R.D. Predation and community organization. Cap. III.3, The Princeton Guide to Ecology. ==== Para discussão ==== * Lubchenco, J. (1978). Plant species diversity in a marine intertidal community: importance of herbivore food preference and algal competitive abilities. American Naturalist, 23-39. * Resetarits, W.J., Silberbush, A. 2016. Local contagion and regional compression: habitat selection drives spatially explicit, multiscale dynamics in experimental metacommunities. Ecology Letters 19: 191-200. === Sobre os(as) autores(as) === ==Jane Lubchenco== {{https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f5/LubchencoJane-NOAA.jpg/220px-LubchencoJane-NOAA.jpg?100 }} * [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jane_Lubchenco|Wikipedia]] * [[http://vimeo.com/100425703|Depoimento]] para a série //Conservation Talks//. * [[https://www.lubchencomengelab.com/|Lubchenco/Menge Lab]] * [[http://www.compassonline.org/|Compass]]: fundação criada por Jane Lubchenco e colegas para fomentar o maior engajamento de cientistas nas políticas ambientais. * Smith, B., Baron, N., English, C., Galindo, H., Goldman, E., McLeod, K., Miner, M. and Neeley, E., 2013. COMPASS: navigating the rules of scientific engagement. [[http://journals.plos.org/plosbiology/article?id=10.1371/journal.pbio.1001552|PLoS Biol, 11(4), p.e1001552]]. * Tallis, H., & Lubchenco, J. 2014. Working together: a call for inclusive conservation. Nature, 515(7525), 27-28. //Uma chamada a uma biologia da conservação plural.// * Lubchenco, J. 1998. Entering the century of the environment: a new social contract for science. Science 279: 491–497. //Sua tese sobre a responsabilidade social da ciência//. * Lubchenco, J., & Menge, B. A. 1993. Split positions can provide a sane career track: A personal account. Bioscience, 243-248.. //Sobre o contrato pioneiro que ela e seu marido Bruce Menge propuseram à Oregon State University.// ==William Resetarits== {{https://olemiss.edu/resetaritslab/WJRFace.jpg?100 }} * [[https://olemiss.edu/resetaritslab/|Grupo de pesquisa]] ===== Material Suplementar ===== ====Efeitos indiretos e mediados por atributos ==== * Schmitz O.J. Indirect Effects in Communities and Ecosystems: The Role of Trophic and Nontrophic Interactions. Cap. III.5, . * Werner, E.E. and Peacor, S.D., 2003. A review of trait-mediated indirect interactions in ecological communities. Ecology, 84(5), pp.1083-1100. * Peacor S.D., Werner E.E. 2001. The contribution of trait-mediated indirect effects to the net effects of a predator. PNAS 98: 3904-3908 * Ohgushi, T., Schmitz, O., & Holt, R. D. (Eds.). (2012). Trait-mediated indirect interactions: ecological and evolutionary perspectives. Cambridge University Press. * Schmitz, O.J., Krivan, V. and Ovadia, O., 2004. Trophic cascades: the primacy of trait‐mediated indirect interactions. Ecology Letters, 7(2), pp.153-163. === Consequências para conservação === * [[https://www.eeb.ucla.edu/Faculty/Blumstein/|Daniel Blumstein]] criou a linha de pesquisa de comportamento e conservação que, entre outras coisas, chama a atenção sobre como a evolução de respostas comportamentais de presas pode ser um problema para a sua conservação. ==== Interações multi-espécies e cascatas tróficas ==== * Abrams, P. A. 1983. Arguments in favor of higher order interactions. Am. Nat. 121, 887–891. * Billick, I. and Case, T.J., 1994. Higher order interactions in ecological communities: what are they and how can they be detected?. Ecology, 75(6), 1529-1543. * Case, T. J. & Bender, E. A. 1981. Testing for higher order interactions. Am. Nat. 118, 920–929. * Estes J.A. et al. 2011. Trophic Downgrading of Planet Earth. Science 333, 301-306. * Grilli, J., Barabás, G., Michalska-Smith, M.J. and Allesina, S. 2017. Higher-order interactions stabilize dynamics in competitive network models. Nature, 548(7666), 210-213. * Kareiva, P. 1994. Higher order interactions as a foil to reductionist ecology. Ecology 75, 1527–1528. * Terborgh J. & Estes J.A. 2010. Trophic Cascades: Predators, Prey, and the Changing Dynamics of Nature. Island Press. * [[https://youtu.be/VQIbQy-uR-g|Como lobos mudam rios]], um curta sobre a cadeia de eventos no Parque de Yellowstone após a reintrodução de lobos. ====Plasticidade==== * Relyea, R.A. and Auld, J.R., 2004. Having the guts to compete: how intestinal plasticity explains costs of inducible defences. Ecology Letters, 7(9), pp.869-875. * Relyea, R.A., 2001. Morphological and behavioral plasticity of larval anurans in response to different predators. Ecology, 82(2), pp.523-540. ==== Predação intra-guilda ==== * Polis, G. A., Myers, C. A., & Holt, R. D. (1989). The ecology and evolution of intraguild predation: potential competitors that eat each other. Annual review of ecology and systematics, 297-330. * Holt, R. D., & Polis, G. A. (1997). A theoretical framework for intraguild predation. American Naturalist, 745-764. * Arim, M., & Marquet, P. A. (2004). Intraguild predation: a widespread interaction related to species biology. Ecology Letters, 7(7), 557-564. ==== Clássicos ==== * Huffaker, C.B. 1958. Experimental studies on predation: dispersion factors and predator-prey oscillations. 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The instability of field experiments: building an experimental research tradition on the rocky seashores (1950–1985). History and philosophy of the life sciences, 40(3): 45. //Este artigo parte dos experimentos pioneiros de Paine e outros ecólogos marinhos para analisar a história dos experimentos de campo em ecologia, e as questões epistemológicas decorrentes.// * Fine, P.V., Mesones, I. and Coley, P.D., 2004. Herbivores promote habitat specialization by trees in Amazonian forests. science, 305(5684): 663-665. * Holt, R.D., 1977. Predation, apparent competition, and the structure of prey communities. Theoretical population biology, 12(2), pp.197-229. * Hipótese do mundo verde: * Hairston N G, Smith F E & Slobodkin L B. Community structure, population control, and competition. Amer. Naturalist 94:421-5, 1960. * Sherrat T.M. & Wilikinson D.N. 2009. Why the world is green? Cap.7 in Big Questions in Ecology and Evolution. //Ótima revisão, com hipóteses alternativas e boa crítica à ideia original//. * [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bLs2dZvJQX4&list=PL1KbTtDlbwHC0jRQ--LsMnyAhOgVMgRB-|Cilp de animação sobre a hipótese do mundo verde]], do projeto [[https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0Es673h-PyES_WAmBIA87A|Ecomotion]]. * J. H. Lawton and S. McNeill, “Between the devil and the deep blue sea: on the problem of being a herbivore,” in Population Dynamics, R. M. Anderson, B. D. Turner, and L. R. Taylor, Eds., Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford, UK, 1979.. //Clássico sobre a importância de controle //top-down// e //bottom-up// em comunidades de herbívoros.//